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+255 743 127 611

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Stakeholders Engagement

MTL is obliged with fundamental principles and standards of the public consultation process which is essential for successful Project implementation. The consultation activities undertaken by MTL have been considered the National regulatory requirements and International Standards for effective participation including IFC Performance Standards, Equator Principles and World Bank Guidelines.

We identify the following components as our fundamental services we offer to Stakeholder Engagement

  • Stakeholder Analysis & Identification: MTL Consulting assist Project developer(s) in mapping and identifying the potential stakeholders who have an interest with the Project.
  • Information Disclosure: MTL undertake comprehensive communication with stakeholders to ensure that relevant information is disclosed and disseminated at every stage of Project.
  • Stakeholders Consultations:  We are conducting stakeholders’ consultation that is truly interactive through interacting with different stakeholders groups.
  • Responses to Stakeholders: Our commitment is to ensure the stakeholders issues are responded and managed appropriately.