We pride ourselves with the experience that has been built over a period of 25 years of serving the industry in Tanzania and in other African countries including Ghana, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Kenya, Malawi, Lesotho, Rwanda, Swaziland and Botswana.
Environmental Impact Assessments (IFC and local compliance) ensures legal requirements for new developments or processes are complied with.
Assessment of biodiversity and/or ecology is done in two main groups of species communities namely: Flora species and Fauna species.
These assessments are carried out for many different development projects in a range of existing environments
Geotechnical Investigation Drilling including augerring/coring drilling, Standard Penetration Test (SPT), on-site soil/rocks sample selection.
MTL Consulting has a wide experience in providing expertise in participatory resettlement & livelihood restoration planning, stakeholders consultations in the mining, oil, and gas as well as energy and infrastructure sector.
We conduct social impact assessment and planning for effective social mitigation plans that could mitigate project adverse impacts.
MTL is obliged with fundamental principles and standards of the public consultation process which is essential for successful Project implementation.
MTL underpins that hydrological baseline study is crucial undertaking for successful development of the Project. MTL also believes that environmental and Project benefits may be achieved as a result of hydrological impact management.
We carry out Health Impact Assessments (HIA) to identify potential positive and negative impacts of new developments on health, wellbeing and health inequalities.
MTL Consulting have a wide experience in conducting impact assessments on cultural heritage to define the nature and scale of the potential impacts on cultural heritage resources associated with the Project.
MTL have a team of dedicated experts with high experience in planning and implementing Mine Closure with our clients.
MTL understands all the relevant national legal requirements and international standards to meet the Hydrogeological needs of our clients.