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+255 743 127 611

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Mr. Michael Herman Batibo

Environmental Expert

Michael Batibo is an Environmental Scientist with indepth expertise in undertaking Air Quality, Noise and Vibration monitoring. He has more than 6 years’ experience in project management, sites identification and assessment, and data analysis to meet both national standards and the international best practices in environmental management and monitoring. He has participated and completed Air Quality, Noise and Vibration monitoring Projects for various companies and mining firms. Some of the completed Projects include Air Quality Testing Services for UN MICT Premises in Arusha-Mars, and Air Quality Testing Services at Arusha International Conference Center Premises in Arusha.

He also participated in Air Quality, Noise and vibration assessment as part of the ESIA study. for Bulyanhulu, North Mara, GGM and Buzwagi Gold Mines. Air quality and Noise monitoring at Panda Hill Niobium Project, and Noise Monitoring at Aga Khan University. Michael is also conversant with Development of Environmental Management Plan Update and Environmental audit both initial audit and compliance. He is conversant with the National standards, IFC Standards, Equator Principles and World Bank Group Standards.

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