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Member Details

Eng. Mwemezi Mulokozi

Hydrology Expert

Engineer Mwemezi Mulokozi is an Environmental expert graduated from the Nairobi University (MSc in Integrated Watershed Management) and UCLAS University where he pursued B.Sc. Environmental Engineering. While working with MTL, he has been involved as a project coordinator and/or expert in different Projects with water as his key study area; he has undertaken seven specialized hydrological studies for EIA and about eleven hydrological components under the EIA, Mine Closure Plan, Environmental Audit and environmental monitoring Studies. He was involved in undertaking water resources (hydrological) assessments for REGROW TANAPA, Acacia mines, Resolute, TanzGraphite, Cradle Resources, Swala Energy (Oil and Gas), British Gas, Nyanzaga, Kibo energy PLC (Coal mining and Coal power generation) among others. Most importantly, he was involved as a Project Coordinator for the EIA study for Water Supply Project in Geita District under Geita Gold Mine (AngloGold Ashanti). All these Projects were successfully completed in time and certificates were issued by the Government. He was involved as a Environmental, and Water Engineer for the planning and design Water Supply and Sanitation Projects in 74 Villages in 4 Districts (Tanganyiaka, Milele, Nkasi, Kalambo, Kigoma Rural and Uvinza) as well as Project Supervisor for the development of a water supply project in Kilosa District. The project consisted of installation of pumps, construction of distribution and transmission lines and raised reservoir.

Eng. Mwemezi has participated in development and supervision of water supply and sanitation projects as part of end-of-year field trainings and in-semesters’ projects, these activities involved construction of waste stabilization ponds and sewerage system under Dar Es Salaam Water Supply and Sanitation (DAWASA), construction of sewerage system under and supervision of construction of water supply systems (reservoir and distribution lines) under Mbeya Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Authority. He was also involved in getting an insight of how water supply treatment plant systems work.

Mwemezi is conversant with catchment delineation and modelling. He has in-depth experience in spatial data management using SWAT and Arc GIS.

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