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+255 743 127 611

Member Details

Ms. Grace Ngowi

Social Expert

Grace Ngowi is a multi-disciplinary social scientist with four years’ experience in social economic survey and stakeholder engagement in Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and RAP Project. She has a wide experience in stakeholder engagement, social economic surveys, Livelihood Restoration Plan (LRP), and Resettlement Action Plan (RAP). She has positively worked on TAJIRI Heavy Mineral Sands, Serengeti Bypass, TANAPA ESIA Regrow Project, Kakono Hydropower (Complimentary ESIA and RAP), Environmental and Social Monitoring for SGR Project and GGML. Grace has established a wide network with various stakeholders at the national and local level. She is conversant with the National standards, IFC Standards, Equator Principles and World Bank Group Standards.

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