Ms. Loveness Kabika is a biodiversity scientist and a conservationist with more than six years of working experience in Natural resources, mining, energy and infrastructures sectors. She attained a Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Management at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA).
She is a registered Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) expert with NEMC and has participated in various EIA studies and Environmental compliance Audits within Tanzania. She has worked with the National Environmental Management Council (NEMC) for four years under the Directorate of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (EIA) where she managed and reviewed various Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Audits (EA) Projects on Wildlife, Forestry, Infrastructure, Tourism, Agriculture & Livestock, Mining, buildings and constructions which helped in enhancing her skills and knowledge in the field of Biodiversity and Environment as well.
Currently, she is working for MTL Consulting Company Limited as a Biodiversity consultant conducting ecological assessments for the Terrestrial and Aquatic Biological Environments. She has been involved in conducting Environmental and Social Impact Assessments and Environmental Audits for various projects including the Kibo Energy PLC, Helium One Global, GGML, Bulyanhulu Gold Mine, TANAPA Regrow Project, Kakono Hydropower and Mbeya Cement. Her work on the environment has included conducting Environmental Management Plan Update (EMPU), undertaking environmental impact assessments, environmental audit (annual and compliance) and biodiversity assessments. She has positively participated in the Updating the Kibo Energy PLC EMPU, New Luika Gold Mine (NLGM), and as liaison link with government agencies involved in the Environmental Management including NEMC. Ms. Loveness Kabika is conversant with the National standards, IFC Standards, Equator Principles and World Bank Group Standards