Environmental Audits are intended to review the site’s/company’s legal compliance status in an operational context. Compliance audits generally begin with determining the applicable compliance requirements against which the operations will be assessed. MTL has experienced Environmental Compliance Auditors who are certified by the IEMA. Within the past 15 years MTL has managed to successfully undertake compliance and system adits for large scale mining operations in Tanzania. MTL guarantees quality and timely delivery of the audit findings for legal compliance and site operational improvements.
Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) is a crucial entity in extractive, infrastructure and renewable energy operations. The ESMP ensures that the Environment is managed properly. In Tanzania the ESMP section within the EIS once approved it becomes a legal compliance document/activities.
Over the past 15 years MTL has successfully create and update ESMPs for different extractive industries eg Mining, Quarry. MTL also has a good pool of experts who are capable of operationalize the different sections of the ESMP e.g. Air Quality, Noise and Vibration Monitoring, Surface and Groundwater monitoring, stakeholder engagement.
Through environmental monitoring, MTL helps the company improve environmental performance of their operation. The environmental performance are evaluated based on implementation of measures and levels for management of the environmental impacts. Our experts use broad range of knowledge and skills for monitoring any environmental changes against established regulatory guidelines, standards baselines and monitoring efforts In order to capture this, MTL has been involving its experts in monitoring different projects (mining, oil, gas, water) already in operation.
As part of environmental monitoring, air quality monitoring, potable water and wastewater quantity and quality monitoring are carried out in order to ascertain and manage occupational and community health and safety as well as ecological health .The key components in the environmental monitoring among others are:
• Envirocensus;
• Measurement of Environmental Indicators;
• Evaluation of Environmental Indicators by comparing with applicable standards and baseline studies;
• Root cause analysis of the environmental quality changes; and
• Development of the feasible mitigation and prevention measures programs.
MTL underpins that hydrological baseline study is crucial undertaking for successful development of the Project. MTL also believes that environmental and Project benefits may be achieved as a result of hydrological impact management. We bring reputable methodologies, leading edge technologies and transfer of knowledge and skills to practically manage development impacts on hydrological responses during project planning.
Our experts have significant philosophical knowledge on how Project may affects hydrological responses, and how hydrological responses may affect the Project and/or Project facilities. To counteract these cases, MTL is indebted to integrate the engineering and consulting skills in provision of the following services, among others:
• Hydro census-Water sources identification and mapping;
• Water Flow Assessment-Measure water flows by current meter, Q-Liners and V-Notch
• Project Water Demand (Operational Water Balance) and Water Availability (Ambient Water Balance);
• Root cause analysis of the hydrological responses changes;
• Prediction of Hydrological process, quality and quantity;
• Water Quality Assessment-Collecting water samples and assessing physical, chemical and biological indicators of water quality.
• Development of the feasible hydrological impact, monitoring and management programs.
Through experienced and motivated Hydrogeologists, MTL is capable of undertaking hydrogeology and groundwater investigation studies in the range of environments.
MTL uses Vertical Electrical Sounding to locate groundwater resources, particularly for the mining projects MTL was able to locate and drill groundwater for the Kibaran Graphite Project in Mahenge, Tabora, Tanzania, NACHU graphite Project in Ruangwa, Panda Hill Niobium Mining in Mbeya etc.
Other related services include pump tests, assessment groundwater quality and pollution plumes, ARD investigations etc.
MTL Consulting limited believes biodiversity to be the central factor that cuts across all issues pertaining to development. Our company thrives to ensure sustainable use, and conservation of natural resources thus promoting for sustainable development.
MTL Consulting limited also believes that biodiversity contributes to economic development and sustainable social livelihoods as such it portrays a significant role “cross cutting” in many if not all forms of livelihoods. MTL offers the following services:
• Assessment of ecosystem services
• Vegetation mapping and Fauna inventories
• Ecological monitoring
• Consultation services on Rehabilitation and Restoration of degraded ecosystems
• Consultation on Conservation education and trainings and
• Biodiversity planning in developmental projects
Assessment of biodiversity and/or ecology is done in two main groups of species communities namely:
• Flora species
• Fauna species
Their assessments are sub-categorized further to represent different assemblage in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems which include;
• Mammals
• Reptiles
• Birds
• Amphibians
• Insects
• Fish communities
• Flora/plant communities
We focus in serving our clients to achieve an ecologically sustainable base for development, delivering practical solutions for managing biodiversity risk and achieving positive conservation outcomes.
MTL has successfully conducted biodiversity assessments for the Ntaka Hill Nickel Project in Nachingwea, Uranium Project in Mkuju, Panda Hill Niobium Mining in Mbeya, Graphite Project in Ruangwa and Mahenge, for more information on the list of projects accomplished please visit our home page.
Undertaking biodiversity Assessment is a legal requirement in Tanzania and MTL company conducts consultation abiding with the following legal frameworks namely: the Environmental Management Act Part 20 of 2004 and bided by other national acts such as the Forest act of 2002, The Wildlife Conservation Act No 5 of 2009, Fisheries Act, of 2003, Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines and Audit Regulations, 2005, Water Resources Management Act, 2009 and other laws articulated to inscribe some components of biodiversity.
Also represented in the laws there are several policies adhered to; including the National Environmental Policy of 1997, wildlife policy of 2007, national forest policy of 1998, the national water policy 2002 and other related policies.
Some requirements from our clients require International legal frameworks, guidelines and standards such as the IFC standards (Performance standard 6) Kyoto Protocol, IUCN standards, CBD standards and guidelines and other similar related frameworks: our company has successfully undertaken several studies to meet such requirements for more information please visit www.iucn.org/, www.ifc.org/performance+standards,www.cbd.int/, www.env.gov.bc.ca › Environmental Protection