MTL Consulting undertakes Health Impact Assessment (HIA) to gather understanding of the project health environment prior project development. HIA is assessed in two categories, Community Health (cHIA) and the occupational health and Safety (OHS). The process is guided by the IFC performance standard 2 and 4, OHSA 180001 and the Environmental, Health and Safety Guideline stipulated by World Health Organisation (WHO) HIA. The study aims gathering data on the baseline health conditions of the project area, identification of the health determinants; risks factors and beneficial impacts to the communities in the impact area and company workers as a whole.
Visual Impact Assessment is undertake to assess if there is/will be any visibility impacts caused by the established undertakings e.g. If a process plant may block a certain community from seeing the important features. MTL uses the view shed analysis with GIS as well as stakeholder engagement in undertaking Visual Impact Assessments. MTL has successfully undertaken Visual Impact Assessment for the Ntaka Hill Nickel Project in Nachingwea, Uranium Project in Mkuju, Panda Hill Niobium Mining in Mbeya, and Graphite Project in Ruangwa and Mahenge. Undertaking Visual Impact Assessment is not a legal requirement in Tanzania but most of our clients who requires the IFC compliant ESIA are advice to undertake the study. For more information please click here!
MTL undertake baseline Air quality assessments. Noise and Vibration Survey. The assessments are carried out for many different development projects, in a range of existing environments. The proposed schemes often require multiple impacts to be assessed, both as part of the proposed development, or as part of the existing environment. The team is well experienced in meeting the demands of developers from different backgrounds and understands their different requirements and methods of operation.
We are familiar with relevant legislation, national planning guidance and with the objectives of the various regulators. Assessment are therefore designed and carried out in compliance with appropriate requirements, yet with the best interests of the Client in mind.
MTL is indebted to offer the following services, among other:
i. Air quality Monitoring
• PM10, PM2.5 dust sampling
• Pollutant Gaseous monitoring
• Dust Fallout Sampling
• Meteorological Data Analysis and Climate Assessment
• Air Quality Data analysis and Routine Reporting
ii. Emissions Inventory
• Process and Technology Review
• Emissions Inventory
• Source Monitoring programme Design
• Emissions Abatement and Best Available Technology Application
iii. Dispersion Modelling
• Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling
• Buffer Zone Projection
iv. Environmental Noise and Vibration Survey
• Noise Monitoring
• Vibration Survey
• Noise Propagation and Assessment